Elle perd 110 kilos grâce au CrossFit et à la chirurgie bariatrique : son histoire

Appelez-la Angi Sanders ou « Water Dragon », « Dragon d’eau » comme elle aime se surnommer. En quelques années la jeune femme a perdu la moitié de son poids grâce à la chirurgie bariatrique mais pas seulement. Car ce qui l’a « sauvée » dit-elle, c’est avant tout la découverte de ce qui deviendra sa plus grande passion : le CrossFit.

De 220 à 108 kilos, Angi Sanders documente sa perte de poids impressionnante sur Instagram

En 2013, la vie d’Angi Sanders va être totalement bouleversée. Alors qu’elle pèse 220 kilos, elle se voit offrir la possibilité de bénéficier d’une chirurgie bariatrique dont le coût sera pris en charge par son employeur. Plutôt opposée au départ à ce type de chirurgie, la jeune américaine aujourd’hui âgée de 34 ans décide finalement de sauter le pas.

Avec un estomac ne pouvant plus contenir que de petites quantités de nourriture, Angi maigrit vite. 5 ans plus tard, elle a perdu la moitié de son poids et est passée de 220 à 108 kilos.

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My upper body strength has always been a work in progress. I've mentioned many many times how weak it is when I compare it to the rest of me. And being heavy most of my life, things like pull ups and chin ups (difference in the two is how you grip the bar) have always been a far off goal. Today, I made a huge step on the path to them!! ? In this video I am doing a chin up (hands facing me in a supinated grip) progression that I had not been able to preform because I simply did not have the pulling strength to accomplish it. ? As shown, I have a bar on the rig, and my feet on the box. My hips are under me, tucked, and my chest is up so you can read my shirt. I extend my arms fully and then pull myself up. Chin over bar. Repeat. Previously, id have my feet on the ground as a support, but still use my upper body to pull me up. Today though, I elevated!!! Boy howdy was it more challenging!! And it is progress towards the chin up!!!! ? Never ever be ashamed if you are scaling your movements. You are on a journey and each progression is a step towards the goal. Stay dedicated, keep pushing! Stay patient with yourself, love the process of becoming. You got this!! ? @crossfit #bethechange #crossfit #crossfitter #crossfitgirls #crossfitlife #chinup #gymnastics #progression #scaled #strength #strong #strengthisbeauty #fitness #fitfam #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #noshameinscaling #motivation #dedication #inspiration #transformation #waterdragonlife

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Elle documente alors son amaigrissement impressionnant sur le réseau social Instagram. Si certains font cela pour encourager les autres, on sait aussi que documenter sa perte de poids sur les réseaux sociaux aide à rester motivé.

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Wanna see something amazing? How about a before and after side by side of yours truly? ? When I say @Crossfit saved my life, it isn't hyperbole. It is fact. The coaches at my gym, the community that has become my family, the accountability and encouragement and culture have all played their part and contributed to the results you see. My transformation isn't something I did by myself on my strength alone. Far from it, yes I was there and I worked hard, but I have a tribe of people who want me to succeed just as much as I do. ? When I look at my before, it fuels my passion, drive and desire to pursue my goal of coaching even more. I am going to help people. I am going to pay it forward. I'm going to help those who are currently like I was, reclaim (or in some cases claim for the first time *I fall into this category*) the life they are meant to live! ? #bethechange #crossfit #crossfitter #crossfittransformation #crossfitstory #fitness #fit #fitnesstransformation #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #transformation #strong #strength #progress #inspire #motivation #dedication #waterdragonlife @Regranned from @fitfactorysc – Athlete: Angi . We are truly honored to have Angi as a member and more importantly a friend! Angi is an inspiration to all. Always with a smile. Always coachable. Always hard working. As a coach… you can't ask for a better athlete. Much love Angi and keep up the hard work! . “I continue to stay and train at Fit Factory because the coaches take the time to explain the “why” behind the work out. Want to know what the programming is working to accomplish? They will tell you… Everything that I learn at FFSC has real world applications away from the gym. I continue to train at FFSC so I can continue to improve as a person overall.” – Angi Sanders . #bethechange – #regrann

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Car on vous le répète souvent, la chirurgie bariatrique n’est pas une baguette magique. Si on assiste les premiers mois à une sorte d’effet lune de miel, après un an ou deux, la perte de poids se fait de plus en plus difficilement et demande de nombreux efforts.

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18.3 ????? "Unstoppable" -@fozzyrock ? Talking bout me, oh so softly, you say I can't explain I'll make it happen, no distraction, you know I can't be tamed One mind can beat a million, one chance is all I need I will complete this mission, damn you, I will succeed ? Away from my prize, because in my eyes, I can do anything, Now watch me rise ? You'll never break me, I'm unstoppable You'll never shake me, I'm unstoppable ? Don't tell me rules, I ain't your fool, I live by my own code Spark the fire of my desire and make my dreams explode I do just what I want to because I know it's right Don't tell me I can't make it, won't die without a fight ? Away from my prize because in my eyes, I can do anything  Now watch me rise ? You'll never break me, I'm unstoppable You'll never shake me, I'm unstoppable ? One mind can beat a million, one chance is all I need I will complete this mission, damn you, I will succeed Away from my prize because in my eyes, I can do anything Now watch me rise ? You'll never break me, I'm unstoppable You'll never shake me, I'm unstoppable ? Official score: reps 220 Unofficially. I got 93 reps into the last set of singles I the first round and then time capped. #bethechange #crossfit #crossfitgirl #crossfitter #crossfitstrong #fit #fitfam #fitness #fitnesstransformation #overheadsquat #18point3 #crossfitopen #intheopen #scaled #noshameinmyscalegame #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #crossfitjourney #transformation #dedication #strength #singleunders #pullups #inspiration #motivation #unstoppable #waterdragonlife

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Ainsi, il faut continuer à avoir une alimentation équilibrée et à faire du sport pour ne pas reprendre tout le poids perdu. C’est ce qu’Angi Sanders nous montre tous les jours sur son compte Instagram.

Le CrossFit, la découverte qui va changer sa vie

Si subir une chirurgie bariatrique a considérablement impacté sa vie, Angi Sanders avoue que c’est la découverte du CrossFit qui l’a totalement transformée. Ce sport ou entraînement très intense lui a permis de redécouvrir son corps, de repousser ses limites et de prendre de nouvelles habitudes de vie.

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Ever have a lift that you know was your weakest? One that you wanted to destroy, but try as hard as you may, progress was always slow and frustrating? For me that is the bench press. I'd work it and tweak technique and fight for every additional pound I could press up. But breaking into a 100lb+ bench was a goal that seemed to always stay just out of reach. ? I kept working, patiently adjusting, watching viedos, listening intently to my coachs' cues and tips. And the result is this video. ? Not only did I break into 100lbs, but THIS IS A 115LB BENCH PRESS FOR TWO REPS!! yes I struggled to get the second rep up, but I fought and straight up Dragon Moded (this is a mode just above Beast ?) that bar to lock out! ? I can not thank my coaches, and anyone else who has worked with me on my bench enough! The process has been an adventure and it only goes up from here!! ? #bethechange #crossfit #crossfitter #crossfitstrong #crossfitlife #crossfitlifestyle #strong #strengthisbeauty #strength #benchpress #barbell #girlswholift #girlswholiftheavy #fitness #fitfam #fit #dedication #motivation #inspiration #transformation #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss #trusttheprocess #waterdragon #waterdragonlife

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Elle explique au journal CrossFit :

C’est cette discipline qui a changé ma vie. Je pense sincèrement que si je ne l’avais pas découverte… je serais à terre là maintenant. Même après le bypass. Parce que je serais retombée dans mes vieilles habitudes. Je m’ennuyais déjà en faisant de la gym classique.

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Don't let the look fool you, I'm actually very happy. This is my focus face! Actively hanging on the pull up bar is difficult for me (strength to hold all of me up not passively) and then to add a pelvis tuck and raise my knees too? Yep, all the concentration I have. I can hold it for 10ish seconds. ? Of course, me being me, I want more. I'm not satisfied with 10ish seconds. So what will I do to get a longer hold? Work my progressions. Work my bar hanging time. Work on my grip. Work on tucking my pelvis. There are a number of accessory exercises I can and will do to gain the strength, coordination, and skill to achieve the goals that I set for myself. ? But it's not just in the gym where the work takes place. Many don't take into consideration what goes on outside the sacred walls of the gym. Nutrition, stress management, sleep, all of that plays into how you perform in the gym. You get out of your body what you put into it. Quality food, quality activities. ? It's a life style. Life being the key word. Love yourself. Live and enjoy what you do and who you do it with! ? #bethechange #crossfit #crossfitter #crossfitjourney #crossfitlifestyle #crossfitchick #fit #fitness #gym #strong #strength #gymnastics #activehang #progress #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #dedication #motivation #inspiration #transformation #waterdragon #waterdragonlife #sethrollins

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Voilà qui nous prouve s’il le fallait encore que le sport n’est pas une « option » mais doit faire partie intégrante de l’aventure chirurgie de l’obésité. Aider à maigrir, stabiliser son poids, se défouler, faire du bien à son corps et à son esprit, redécouvrir son corps, réaliser que l’on est capable de faire plus que ce que l’on croit, progresser, repousser ses limites… Chirurgie de l’obésité ou pas, on gagnerait tous à se mettre ou à reprendre le sport.

Carole Guidon
Carole Guidon
Les rondeurs ne sont pas synonymes de laideur. Le corps gros n'est pas forcément un fardeau. Moi-même, je suis une jeune fille ronde et épanouie qui s'assume. J'aime la vie et les plaisirs simples. Et j'ai à cœur de militer au quotidien contre la grossophobie qui gangrène notre société. Derrière chaque corps se cache une histoire, heureuse ou douloureuse, mais toujours unique, qu'on gagnerait à accueillir avec respect et humilité.
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