Elle perd 140 kilos sans chirurgie et montre son parcours sur Instagram

Elle s’appelle Alexis Reed aka « Lexi » sur Instagram et cette américaine fait le buzz avec les photos de sa perte de poids. Avec son compagnon (lui aussi obèse), ils ont décidé d’engager le plus grand combat de leur vie au début de l’année 2016. Après quasi trois ans d’efforts, le résultat est saisissant. On vous montre les photos.

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#flashbackfriday @discoveringdanny asked me out on February 3, 2007 and I never realized the life I would live by choosing to say yes. ❤ I never imagined someone to show me what true love was and to impact my life in so many ways. I never imagined someone to support me in reaching my goals, or help me become who I am today. I never expected that someone would love me at 485lbs they way that I loved myself. He is proof that love is real, my soul mate, and happy to say has been through my side through thick or thin without ever acting any differently towards me. Dont give up on love because it does exist and you are worthy of the love you deserve. ——————————————————————————– Ready to transform in 2019? NEXT DIETBET STARTS 2/11!! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Plus if you play 4 games in 2019 I'm giving away huge prizes (win up to $1500!) to the best transformation at the end of the year! Time to change your life too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including @fedupfam tees, an airfryer, & MORE! Plus get paid to get lean in 2019!  Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fedupfam #fit #fitfam #fitspo #motivation #fatloss #fattofit #obesetobeast #workout #dance #diet #dietbet #fitnessmotivation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitness #losingweight #fitnessmotivation #fitfam  #plussize #gym #effyourbeautystandards #extremeweightloss

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Elle perd 140 kilos sans chirurgie et partage son quotidien sur Instagram

Il existe principalement deux manières de perdre du poids : le faire de manière naturelle ou bien passer par la chirurgie bariatrique. Par peur du bistouri, Alexis Reed et son petit ami ont décidé d’opérer un changement radical, sans passer par la chirurgie de l’obésité.

Du jour au lendemain, ils ont arrêté les fastfood et la vie sédentaire pour mettre en place un rééquilibrage alimentaire et des séances de sport quotidiennes. En tant qu’obèse, on sait à quel point ce changement a dû être difficile.

Mais le résultat est bel et bien là. Elle perd 140 kilos sans chirurgie passant de 225 kilos à 85 kilos. Pari également réussi pour son mari Danny qui a perdu beaucoup de poids. Tout au long de cette aventure, les tourtereaux ont partagé énormément de photos sur les réseaux sociaux afin de motiver aussi ceux qui ont décidé de perdre du poids.

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#transformationtuesday I never imagined that I'd lose over 300lbs or that in 2019 I'd look into the mirror to understand why people who've known me for years don't even recognize me. Theres no class, manual, or book you can read on extreme weightloss to know what to expect or how to be a whole new person. It's weird to feel like a stranger and go from one extreme to the next, but part of my journey that I'm adjusting too. Although my outside may have changed, I still have the same heart. Appearance isnt everything, but being kind is. I was beautiful in both photos and loved myself enough to fight to save my life. Be kind to yourself because you're always listening! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #fitfam #fedupfam #fit #fitspo #fattofit #obesetobeast #extremeweightloss #weightlosstransformation #gym #workout #effyourbeautystandards #plussize #converse #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet

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Encore une fois, pas de recette miracle : du sport, du sport, du sport et une alimentation très équilibrée (voire plutôt stricte), comme le raconte Lexi au début de leur phase d’amaigrissement. A l’heure actuelle, plus d’un million de personnes les suivent sur Instagram.

La peau qui pend après une chirurgie de l’obésité

Bien loin de raconter une histoire rose et pailletée, Lexi n’a aucun filtre et montre l’envers du décor d’une telle perte de poids. Délesté de 140 kilos, son corps a beaucoup souffert, surtout au niveau de la peau.

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#waybackwednesday my entire body has dramatically changed with my weight loss. I've lost weight in my fingers, went down a shoe size, 7lbs of loose skin, and my back has lost many of the rolls it once carried. My body is a work in progress, but that is progress. For so many years I tried to lose weight and felt like I failed. For so many years I questioned if I ever would change, knowing that if I didnt I'd die at a young age. I became so fedup that I decided to finally try one last time, and that one last time turned out to be the right time. It's never too late to change or fight for who you want to be. Start today! #transform #back #muscles #fattofit #obesetobeast #backworkout #fitfam #fedup #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #dietbet #workout #exercise #hardwork #goals #gains #fit #fitness #plussize #lanebryant #effyourbeautystandards #extremeweightloss #anytimefitness #gym #weightlossmotivation #transformation #instafit #fatgirlfedup

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Elle partage à ses followers des photos et vidéos de la peau qui pend au niveau de son ventre, de ses cuisses,… Comme beaucoup de personnes gênées par cet excédent de peau au niveau du tablier, elle a décidé de passer par la chirurgie réparatrice du ventre. Résultat ? Moins trois kilos d’excédent de peau !

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My name is Lexi and after losing 312lbs naturally I was left with 7lbs of loose skin just on my stomach, not to mention all over my body. I always knew I'd be left with loose skin but I never imagined it would cause me to have excruciating neck pain, hold me back in my workouts, or throw off my posture. I was terrified of surgery, but more terrified of the damage I was doing to my body if I didnt have it removed. So I felt the fear and did it anyways having it removed in a 9 hour surgery with @drjosephmichaels on Halloween 2018. In order to change we must do the things that scare us the most. Loose skin held me back from some things, but not from living. This body is strong and always has been beautiful at every stage. Speak kindly to yourself because you're always listening. #weightloss #plasticsurgery #360bottomlift #drjosephmichaels #fatgirlfedup #fedup #fedupfam #tummytuck #weightlossjourney #extremeweightloss #obesetobeast #plussize #selflove #gym #fitfam #fedupfam #effyourbodystandards #fit #fitspo #effyourbeautystandards #fitness

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#waybackwednesday to my loose skin after losing 312lbs. Losing that much weight meant I was left with alot of skin, and alot of pain. I had 7lbs removed in a 9 hour survey Oct 31, 2018 with @drjosephmichaels and it literally changed my life and showed me the results i'd worked hard for with diet and exercise. I never knew loose skin could cause pain and spent many months trying to find out what was wrong with me until my husband held my stomach to show me what I'd look like without it and for the first time in months, I was pain free. However despite the loose skin struggles for the first time in my life I was living and it was just a beautiful battle scar from the hardest fight of my life. My skin gave me pain, but didnt hold me back from living. Speak nicely to yourself because you're always listening! ——————————————————————————– Ready to transform in 2019? NEXT DIETBET STARTS 2/11!! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Plus if you play 4 games in 2019 I'm giving away huge prizes (win up to $1500!) to the best transformation at the end of the year! Time to change your life too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including @fedupfam tees, an airfryer, & MORE! Plus get paid to get lean in 2019!  Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fedupfam #fit #fitfam #fitspo #motivation #fatloss #fattofit #obesetobeast #workout #plasticsurgery #diet #dietbet #fitnessmotivation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitness #losingweight #fitnessmotivation #fitfam  #plussize #gym #effyourbeautystandards #extremeweightloss #drjosephmichaels #tummytuck #abs #muscle

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On le constate sur cette vidéo ci-dessous datée d’il y a une semaine, Lexi a aussi beaucoup de peau au niveau des cuisses, elle explique être gênée et parle déjà de la fameuse épreuve du maillot de bain cet été. Elle passera aussi sans doute par la chirurgie réparatrice des cuisses.

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Im here to be real, not perfect. I lost over 300lbs and was left with loose skin, however I knew if I stayed 485lbs I might not be alive today. My legs are my biggest insecurity, but I dont hate them. Loose skin is something so small, compared to this new life. I couldnt even walk down the beach on my honeymoon with my newlywed husband and had to sit in the sand while he did without me. That broke my heart and I knew that wasn't the life he or I deserved. I may have loose skin but it doesnt define me or hold me back like my size did before. Loose skin can be removed, but we only get one life. Live yours taking care of your body and fighting for the future you deserve. Speak kindly to yourself because you're always listening & start today! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #looseskin #skin #reality #plasticsurgery #legs #excessskin #plussize #fitfam #fedupfam #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitness #gym #jcpenney #swimsuit #swim #effyourbeautystandards #extremeweightloss #fitnessmotivation #swim #bathingsuit #swimwear #obesetobeast

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Le couple le sait bien : le combat contre l’obésité n’est jamais terminé. Même après une perte de poids importante, on reste malade à vie et c’est un combat quotidien pour ne pas regrossir et tomber à nouveau dans le cercle infernal de la prise de poids. Son mari et elle semblent plus motivés que jamais à atteindre leurs objectifs finaux et à maintenir cette perte de poids impressionnante.

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Workout with my #swolemate @discoveringdanny this morning. Starting to finally see some results from lifting and its motivating me to work even harder. Having him in my corner has always pushed me to strive for the best version of myself.He is my best friend, soul mate, gym partner, husband, and ultimately the love of my life. I can't imagine doing life or this journey without him. At 485lbs he couldnt hug me, let alone lift me off the floor. The #nsv are just as important. Rise & grind! #weightlosstransfornation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fitfam #fedupfam #fattofit #obesetobeast #fitspo #fitcouple #love #truelove #soulmate #fedupfam #fedup #fatgirlfedup #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitness #gym #workout #exercise

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On ne peut que leur dire bravo pour leur motivation (il faut en avoir pour se rendre à la salle de sport tous les matins à 7h) et leur courage. Elle perd 140 kilos sans chirurgie et continue sans relâche d’inspirer les milliers de personnes qui la suivent. En 2019, plus de 40 % de la population américaine est touchée par l’obésité.

Amandine Cadilhon
Amandine Cadilhon
Journaliste mode, mes articles, mettent en lumière les diverses tendances et styles qui façonnent l'univers de la mode féminine. Mon objectif est de proposer un contenu diversifié et accessible à toutes et tous, en soulignant l'importance de l'expression personnelle et de l'empowerment à travers la mode.
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