Cette campagne body positive célèbre les corps de « vrais hommes »

La marque britannique Manual, spécialisée dans le bien-être physique et mental des hommes, a lancé il y a quelque temps sur son compte Instagram une campagne qui célèbre les différentes masculinités. Un exercice de diversité réussi que l’on vous présente aujourd’hui sur The Body Optimist.

Un mouvement qui défie les stéréotypes du physique masculin idéal

On le voit, de nombreuses marques destinées aux femmes surfent sur la vague du body positivisme. De plus en plus de campagnes publicitaires mettent ainsi en avant des modèles « grandes tailles » et/ou laissent apparaître ce qui était auparavant caché, comme les vergetures, la cellulite ou bien les poils. Les hommes sont eux par contre encore jusqu’ici largement privés de ces discours non-normatifs. Or ces « schémas de beauté toxique » les concernent également.

Après avoir remarqué que les hommes n’avaient encore pas connu de véritables mouvements destinés à montrer davantage de diversité physique, le site britannique Manual.com a donc voulu changer la donne. L’objectif ? Proposer des versions diversifiées de ce qu’être homme signifie afin « d’améliorer le bien-être mental et physique des hommes partout dans le monde ».

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Today marks the first day of Mental Health Awareness Week. With this year's theme focusing on body image – aka how we think and feel about our physique – we figured showing a diverse range of awesome guys would be a perfect way to kick things off. . The mounting pressure to have the perfect body isn't something that just affects women. Men are bombarded with Greek God-like men in their underwear … and it's having a seriously negative impact on guys everywhere – Especially when it comes to their mental health. Enough is enough. . This week, we're calling for more diverse, inclusive representation of men in the media by telling the stories of eight extraordinary guys. These are real men celebrating what makes them different. Stay tuned…. #MenofManual #mentalhealthawarenessweek . ?: @hermionehodgson_photography . Hit the #linkinbio? to read all about us in @the.independent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawarenessweek #bodypositive #bodyimage #bodypositivity #bodypositivitymovement #men #realmen #masculinity #plussizefashion #plussizemodels #vitiligo #transisbeautiful #fitness #health #menshealth #anxiety #depression #ocd #ocdawareness #itsok #mentalhealthawarenessmonth

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Des versions diversifiées de ce qu’être homme signifie

Cette campagne de communication 2.0 présente ainsi des mannequins aux histoires et physiques variés. Une mise en lumière de ces « autres » hommes, ceux qu’on ne voit d’ordinaire pas sur les panneaux publicitaires. Du nom de « Men Of Manual », elle a, à terme, pour but d’influencer le marché publicitaire en incitant les marques à représenter une image plus commune du corps des hommes.

Pour cela, huit hommes ont été choisis. On retrouve l’activiste transgenre Kenny Ethan-Jones, le premier mannequin homme grande taille du Royaume-Uni Ben Whittaker, le mannequin Bashir Aziz atteint de vitiligo ou encore Jonathan, senior et magicien.

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”My name is Kenny Ethan Jones, I’m 25-years-old. I would describe myself as a trans model and activist. But there’s also an entrepreneurial side to me. I’m a Forex trader, which means I trade stocks and currencies. . Masculinity is a spectrum. Gender doesn’t just exist in one place, every person is different. So how can one person classify what masculinity stands for, for every man? It’s impossible. . Going to the gym was a huge part of me overcoming any insecurities I had about my body. I was skinny – I weighed about seven stone – and then I went up to ten stone. So that added weight made me feel a bit more masculine, stronger and gave me that confidence; when you feel that confidence, you radiate it out to everyone else and they feel it, too. My advice to anyone is, whatever makes you feel happy and feel more confident, just do it and do more of it!” -Kenny Ethan Jones #MenofManual #mentalhealthawarenessweek . ?: @hermionehodgson_photography . . . . . . . . . . #bodypositivitymovement #bodypositive #bodypositivity #trans #transgender #transisbeautiful #effyourbeautystandards #bodypositivemovement #model #transmodel #bodyimage #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawarenessmonth

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« La masculinité est un spectre aux multiples fréquences. Le genre n’existe pas d’une seule façon, chaque personne est différente. Comment une personne peut-elle définir ce que signifie la masculinité pour tous les hommes ? C’est impossible », explique Kenny Ethan Jones sous son portrait.

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“Hi, my name’s Ben Whit and I’m the UK’s first plus sized male model. . Growing up seeing men on social media, seeing this ‘Men’s Health’ body, being told that all men have to look a certain way, and they have to have chiselled chests and rock hard abs, it put a strain on my mental health. A lot of my mates were smaller than me and they were toned and I was the biggest in my class, I did feel depressed and would think, “Am I meant to look like this?” But there’s no such thing as a perfect body, it doesn’t actually exist, all bodies are unique in their own ways. . I lost my hair at the age of 21, when I started thinning, I used to try and cover it up, put powder in it, pile in products, then last year I just shaved it off and thought “enough is enough” and now I feel a lot more confident than I did. I don’t always go out of the house with a hat, and to me that’s a big thing. Also, I think the beard helps!” – Ben Whit #MenofManual #mentalhealthawarenessweek . . . . . . . . . #mentalhealth #mentalhealthquotes #menshealth #plussize #plussizemodels #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodypositivemovement #bodypositivemodel #plussize #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #itsok #itsoktonotbeokay #effyourbeautystandards #beautiful #men #man #modelsofinstagram #thursdaythoughts

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« Le corps parfait n’existe pas, tous les corps sont uniques », affirme quant à lui Ben Wit, uniquement habillé d’un caleçon bleu.

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"My name is Bashir Aziz and I’m 24-years-old. I’m from London. I would consider myself to be a full-time artist. . You know that Drake song, "You Only Live Once.” I took that on board and realised you just need to do what makes you happy and not waste any time doubting yourself. We're not cats around here, we only live one life. . Back then, my mental health wasn't great, but my body was fantastic, I just never knew.” -Bashir Aziz #MenofManual #mentalhealthawarenessweek . ?: @hermionehodgson_photography . . . . . . . . . #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #mentalhealthquotes #bodypositive #bodypositivity #bodypositivitymovement #bodypositivemovement #vitiligo #vitiligomodel #vitiligoworld #artist #artistsoninstagram #artistsofinstagram #artists_insta #mindsetquotes #mindset

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"My name is Jonathan, I was born in Scotland and moved down south in the mid-80’s. I am a trained actor and entertainer, mainly performing magic and puppet shows. I enjoy going to the theatre, especially musicals and enjoy watching social documentaries. People are so interesting! . Due to severe childhood illnesses I was never tall for my age and physically I never played sports. I managed to go through secondary school without attending a single PE lesson although I didn’t miss it one bit. I never really new I was short, I was just me! I later realised that being different was an asset and I have earned quite a few pounds by being small, not average! . Often physical problems are obvious to everyone but no one ever knows what is happening inside someone’s head. Both types of health can affect each other, although I feel that mental health can be caused by outside sources and people’s reactions to obvious physical and behavioural attributes.” -Jonathan Cann, #MenofManual #mentalhealthawarenessweek . . . . . . . . . #bodypositivitymovement #mentalhealth #mentalhealthquotes #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #mentalhealthawareness #bodyimage #bodypositive #bodypositivity #effyourbeautystandards #bodypositivemovement #celebratelife #celebratedifference #menshealth #health #portraitphotography #quotes #inspiration #motivation #aging #aginggracefully

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Chaque portrait est accompagné de quelques mots des modèles, concernant leur rapport au corps, leur confiance en eux et leurs histoires personnelles. On découvre ainsi Sylvester Campion, un musicien qui souhaite se réapproprier son corps après un certain temps passé en fauteuil roulant, ou le londonien Billy Moyce.

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"Hi, I’m Sylvester Campion and I play in a band called The Dirty Blonds.⠀ .⠀ When I was a kid I had a very bad accident and that screwed up my whole leg and cut open my brain, I was in a coma and a wheelchair for a while. That made me think about how I use my body and how important it is to appreciate what your body is.⠀ .⠀ People say you can’t wear this, you can’t look like that, just be you.” -Sylvester Campion #MenofManual #mentalhealthawarenessweek⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #depression #mentalillness #selfcare #selflove #recovery #mindfulness #health #breakthestigma #wellness #motivation #bodyimage #bodypositive #bodylove #loveyourself #bodypositivity #empowerment #confidence #selfworth #selfesteem #bodyconfidence #healing #bodypositive #bodypositvity #selfacceptance

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"I’m Billy Moyce, age 30 and I come from London. I live with my family. I love acting and performing, that’s my life and I’ve even have an agent now!⠀ .⠀ I go to the Camden Society where we go swimming and have lots of fun and I do art there too; I love being creative. I’m a member of @HeartnSoulpics, an award-winning creative arts company and charity for people with learning disabilities. We sing, dance, act, write songs and poems, I love making up characters like comic book characters. I enjoy sport, too. The staff at Heart n Soul give us confidence to be ourselves and be proud. ⠀ .⠀ I’m confident with how I look and my advice to everyone to stay healthy is eat spinach!" -Billy Moyce #MenofManual #mentalhealthawarenessweek⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #bodypositive #bodypositivity #selflove #bodylove #effyourbeautystandards #photooftheday #picoftheday #inspiration #motivation #acting #actorslife #actor

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« Je suis confiant avec mon apparence parce qu’avant tout mon conseil, pour tous, est de rester en bonne santé est de manger des épinards », déclare, non sans une pointe d’humour, Billy Moyce.

Un beau coup de projecteurs sur les hommes qui ne ressemblent pas à l’idéal masculin qu’on impose aux femmes ! Un bel exercice de diversité qui, on l’espère, promet un futur radieux : celui d’un monde non normé, aussi bien pour les femmes que pour les hommes ?

Elodie Pimbert
Elodie Pimbert
Journaliste « touche à tout », je suis Content Manager et rédactrice web pour le média The Body Optimist. Je m'intéresse à des sujets variés (écologie, sexualité, lgbtqia+, beauté, décoration, etc.) et ai à coeur de déconstruire les préjugés, stéréotypes et normes de notre société. Je scrute le web à l’affût des dernières évolutions et tendances. Ce n'est donc pas un hasard si j'écris et fais grandir depuis plusieurs années The Body Optimist.
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