Fittybritttty, l’instagrameuse à suivre pour booster votre bonne humeur !

Fittybritttty, de son vrai prénom Britney, est une jeune influenceuse/instagrammeuse pleine de pep’s. Originaire de Los Angeles, elle nous transmet à travers ses posts Instagram toute sa fraîcheur et sa bonne humeur. C’est communicatif, on est conquis !

Fittybritttty, une influence pas forcément comme les autres

Sur Instagram on adore suivre tout un tas d’influenceurs/influenceuses. Parmi eux, il y a toujours ces quelques personnes qui ont ce petit « je ne sais quoi » qui fait que leur contenu nous inspire plus que d’autres. Britney, alias @Fittybritttty sur Instagram et sur son blog en fait résolument partie.

Regardez plutôt par vous-même :

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Hiiii! I’m Britney aka @fittybritttty — there are tons of new babes around here so I wanted to reintroduce myself so we can all become bffs! 〰️ I was born in Cali but was a military brat growing up and have been back in LA for the past 3.5 years as an adult and don’t plan on leaving unless it’s somewhere like Hawaii! I lived in DC before that and was a graphic designer! I started this page over 4 years ago as a place to keep myself accountable on my fitness journey! 〰️ Before starting my IG account I actually had already lost over 85 pounds and had kept it off for about 3 years and also had my extra skin on my stomach removed as well! More on all of that on my blog (link in my bio and then look for the MY JOURNEY dropdown). 〰️ I thought I had figured out how to be healthy for life but instead I was actually really still confused on what I was doing. I needed a place to document my journey and to connect with like-minded women to support me through this lifestyle change I was embarking on. And that’s when @fittybritttty was born! Believe it or not I actually told no one I started this account, I didn’t want any one in my real life to know what I was doing, it was purely for me as a way to stay motivated! Over the years my journey and my life have changed and evolved so much and I’ve shared the highs and the lows all on IG! What’s even crazier is I’m now a full-time blogger, something I used to dream about doing, and it’s all possible because of YOU! 〰️ So thank you so much for being here, for supporting me, for supporting each other, and for helping me create the most amazing community online + offline! Introduce yourself below and tell me how long you’ve been following me or what post of mine you started following me from! ✨? xx Brit 〰️ #Bodypositivity #bodypositive #healthylifestyle #confidence #confident #motivation #inspiration #ootd #potd #california #losangeles #healthy #happy #happiness #selflove #effyourbeautystandards #fitfam #fitspo #fitnessgirl #fitnessmotivation #wellness #blogger #blog #lifestyle

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SWIPE & SAVE for home decor inspo! My little girly bungalow brings me so much joy! ? #brittttysbungalow And so many of you have been asking me decorating questions and mostly want me to spill the tea on my @joybird sofa! YES ITS SO GOOD + SO COMFY! Head over to my stories (and yes I will save them on a highlight too) to find out where I got everything! A lot of it is old but linked a few items and hopefully you can use this as inspiration for your own space! Stay tuned because over the weekend I’ll be sharing the rest of my apartment, kitchen, bedroom, closet, and bathroom! Leave any questions below! 〰️ Dany from @spatialsoulutions helped me design my space! I already knew the color palette I wanted and had a lot of key pieces but without Dany I wouldn’t have all the cute little details that make my place so special! And she is the most amazing organizer you’ll ever meet! ? 〰️ #interiordesign #interiors #apartmenttherapy #apartmentdecor #bodypositive #bodypositivity #joybird

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« Prendre un moment aujourd'hui pour apprécier mon corps et tout ce qu'il fait pour moi chaque jour. Merci mon corps. Je suis reconnaissante et fière de ce que ce corps est capable de faire. J'espère que vous, les filles, prendrez un moment aujourd'hui pour vous faire un compliment à vous et à votre corps. Si vous avez du mal à trouver quelque chose qui vous convienne, ce n'est pas grave, mais je pense vraiment que quel que soit votre état mental, vous pouvez trouver des choses positives si vous essayez, même si ce n'est qu'une petite chose. ? »⁠ ✨ @fittybritttty ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #thebodyoptimist #bodypositive #loveyourself #bodyacceptance #women #womenbody #complimentyourself ⁠

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My stay at home/quarantine wardrobe has been leveled up thanks to all these super cute + comfy loungewear outfits from @express ? Which look is your favorite 1, 2, or 3?! Swipe through and comment below to let me know! #expresspartner #expresstogether I know a lot of you gals are not shopping right now but for those of you that are these are all on sale and under $50! ??? Make sure to head to my stories today too to see me try all of these on and find out what size I’m wearing in them as well! You can also shop all of these super cute loungewear looks on my page (or on stories) here: #liketkit #StayHomeWithLTK 〰️ #Bodypositivity #bodypositive #healthylifestyle #confidence #confident #motivation #inspiration #ootd #happy #happiness #selflove #wellness #blogger #blog #lifestyle #loungewear

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There’s a lot of noise and nonsense and everyone has an opinion these days but in the thick of it all can your opinion of YOURSELF break through all of the noise? Does what you think of yourself shine louder and brighter than anyone else’s silly opinions?! I’m here to tell you IT SHOULD. 〰️ Leaning into fear as I post this image. Because what’s life without a little fear, without little butterflies in the pit of your stomach? Don’t get me wrong I love this picture, I felt extremely confident, happy, and carefree when I shot this. But here I am exposing a lot of perfectly imperfect imperfections for the entire internet to see! 〰️ I tried this swim suit on in a small boutique in Bali and loved it immediately upon seeing it but when I turned around and saw my booty tan lines I realized just how much I was exposing and felt a small blip of fear and even future judgment of me wearing this swimsuit. Should I not get to wear this swimsuit out of fear of what others think of me? Hell no. Will people most likely judge me for wearing this swimsuit and walking around as a curvy woman in it, unfortunately most likely yes. BUT WHO CARES?! I realized I don’t and you shouldn’t either. If it makes you happy while you’re wearing it then wear it, and wear it proudly! 〰️ #motivationmonday #bodypositive #bodypositivity #loveyourself #selflove

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« La confiance en soi est contagieuse ! Une fois que vous avez acquis un minimum de confiance en vous, vous avez envie de ressentir ce sentiment encore et encore. Vous vous demanderez donc ce qui vous a fait ressentir cette petite confiance. Peut-être que c'était les vêtements que vous portiez et pour lesquels vous avez reçu un compliment. Peut-être que c'est parce que vous avez soulevé quelque chose de lourd à la salle de sport et que vous vous êtes sentie forte comme jamais. Peut-être que c'était quelque chose que vous avez cuisiné et que vous vous êtes senti healthy après sans avoir mal à l'estomac. Peut-être avez-vous pris 10 minutes de votre journée pour méditer et vous êtes senti calme et centré après, ou peut-être avez-vous rangé votre téléphone et apprécié le temps passé avec vos amis ou votre famille et cela vous a rendu heureux ! ⁠ Peu importe ce qui vous a fait ressentir cette petite confiance en vous, continuez à le faire. Jusqu'à ce qu'un jour vous vous réveilliez super confiant ! Ce sont dans les petites choses, la pratique quotidienne, le voyage, c'est là que réside la confiance. C'est là qu'on trouve la confiance et c'est aussi comme ça qu'on la garde. ?»⁠ ⁠ ? @fittybritttty⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #thebodyoptimist #bodypositive #loveyourself #bodyacceptance #women #womenbody #confidence #confianceensoi #selfconfidence

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***AERIE GIVEAWAY*** Tell me this…do you want some new undies??? I mean who doesn't?? IT'S YOUR LAST CHANCE TO WIN $500 to AERIE! I've rallied some of my favorite boss ladies that have a vision to empower women to bring you a $500 Aerie GIVEAWAY!!! Each of these ladies are living lives on purpose + I just know you'll be so inspired by their messages! 〰️ TO ENTER?? 1. Follow me @fittybritttty + my ladies! 2. Tag two of your besties below that inspire you to be the best version of yourself! 〰️ And bam ? you’re entered!! 〰️ We'll choose a winner this Friday December 21st 7:00p.m. EST. 〰️ To be eligible to win you must be following all 5 boss babes at the time we choose one winner at random. 〰️ The winner will receive a $500 gift card to @aerie 〰️ This giveaway is not sponsored by the brands or it's affiliates. By entering, entrants confirm that they are 13+ years of age, release Instagram of all responsibility, and agree to Instagram's terms of use. 〰️ #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #fitspo #bodypositivity #bodypositive #positivity #empowerment #curvygirl #selflove #aerie #loveyourself #motivation #inspiration #healthylifestyle #ootd #potd #confidence #confident

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Happy Monday cuties! ?How was your weekend?! I hosted the cutest Galentine’s day party over the weekend with some of my fav gals! Swipe for the only photo I got of the entire night! I wore the heart dress from my ModCloth #fittyfittings but according to most of you this super cute casual Valentine’s Day look was everyone’s favorite (based off how many of you swiped up to check this out!) I can’t stop wearing this sweater though! It’s my dream sweater and goes with so many different outfits that are in my closet already! And this outfit would be so cute if you have any casual vday plans or if you can wear jeans to work! This entire outfit is linked on my page and you can shop it directly here: (it’s not clickable so type it into a browser) also if you missed #fittyfittings this week make sure to head to my highlights to watch it! ?❤️ hope everyone has an amazing week!

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Adepte du Shmile, cette mimique qui consiste à sourire tout en fermant les yeux, Britney nous donne le sourire à chacune de ses photos postées. Et en cette période particulière de confinement, on ne s’en lasse définitivement pas !

Une fille à suivre absolument pour faire de votre fil d’actualité Instagram une source de bonheur ! Et vous, qu’elles sont les personnes, les influenceuses qui vous inspirent le plus ? Venez échanger sur notre forum.

Elodie Pimbert
Elodie Pimbert
Journaliste « touche à tout », je suis Content Manager et rédactrice web pour le média The Body Optimist. Je m'intéresse à des sujets variés (écologie, sexualité, lgbtqia+, beauté, décoration, etc.) et ai à coeur de déconstruire les préjugés, stéréotypes et normes de notre société. Je scrute le web à l’affût des dernières évolutions et tendances. Ce n'est donc pas un hasard si j'écris et fais grandir depuis plusieurs années The Body Optimist.
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