Nu artistique de femmes rondes : cette série de clichés va vous envoûter

Le nu artistique de femmes rondes permet de révéler toute la beauté des courbes généreuses. Cette série de clichés met ainsi à l’honneur trois femmes voluptueuses qui posent en lingerie ou dans le plus simple appareil pour mieux nous envoûter.

Nu artistique de femmes rondes : Linda Blacker nous embarque dans son univers enchanté

Les très belles photos que nous allons vous faire découvrir aujourd’hui, c’est à Linda Blacker qu’on les doit. La photographe à l’univers enchanté a décidé de s’intéresser de près aux femmes aux rondeurs généreuses en se penchant sur le nu artistique de femmes rondes.

La beauté de leurs courbes, leur volupté sont sublimées dans des clichés à la fois d’une grande douceur et d’une rare beauté. On croirait voir les muses des peintres d’autrefois revenues à la vie dans ces photos envoûtantes et mystérieuses.

Il n’en est pourtant rien car les jeunes femmes prenant la pose pour Linda Blacker, nous les connaissons bien. Peut-être aurez-vous en effet reconnu dans ces clichés Grace F Victory, blogueuse ronde anglaise, Megan Jayne Crabbe alias BodyPosiPanda, une militante body positive et Enam Ewura Adjoa Asiama, un modèle grande taille.

L’illusion est pourtant presque parfaite et nous ne pouvons que nous laisser embarquer dans cet univers romantique fascinant.

10 photos à couper le souffle

Nos trois jeunes femmes ont donc pris la pose dans le plus simple appareil ou en arborant une sublime lingerie grande taille pour la photographe Linda Blacker. Notre présentation vous a mis l’eau à la bouche ? On ne vous fait pas attendre plus longtemps et on vous laisse découvrir ces 10 clichés d’une grande beauté. C’est parti !

Enam Ewura Adjoa Asiama, modèle grande taille

Enam Ewura Adjoa Asiama est un mannequin grande taille et une militante body positive qui vous est peut-etre étrangère. Nul doute qu’après avoir vu ces clichés, vous aurez du mal à l’oublier.

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Linda Blacker Valentines Fairytale: Goddesses of Self-Love ?☘?? – Self-Love to me has always been about enjoying the uniqueness and boldness of my body, mind and soul. Due to the fact that, no one else can do this the way that I can, and as radical and effective as I can. As the Goddess of Vanity and Plant life, I continuously learn to be aware of how I percieve myself plus how I affect others around me – especially in their own personal journeys, in this imbalance life. Making sure that I am open to the necessary adjustments, sometimes needed, for consistency in my self-improvement. Even through my learning – which has not been a very comfortable or a painless process – I acknowledge my patience, and persistency in how I worship and delight in the growth of my mental health. Big or small, supported or undermined: I care for me and I love me, first and foremost, always and forever! – PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO ON @LindaBlacker PAGE TO READ THE FULL FAIRYTALE STORY!!!! – ?@Ashleighmua (Incredibly Talented MUA & soon to be public singer ???) – #ewurajaja #Lovemyself #psblogger #lindablacker #youtubers #fatgirljoy #fatgirlmagic #bodypositive #plantlife #goddess #selflove #valentinesday #galentinesday #curvygirlsrock #blacknatural #afro #lingerie #style #fashion #blog #plussize #plussizemodel #model #BlackGirlMagic #photography #beauty #makeup

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Goddess Of Self Love by @lindablacker Here is the beautiful @enamasiama looking sensational as one of the Goddesses of Self Love. (She has shared another photo from the shoot on her Instagram if you would like to see!) @ashleighmua was the make up artist for this photo shoot – I highly recommend you head over to her Instagram to see more of her work! It's amazing! Thank you for the love you have shown this shoot! If you haven't yet read the fairytale story I wrote for this shoot – you can read it below. The Story There, within the golden heavens, three Goddesses dwelled. They sat, limbs intertwined as glorious, full rolls of soft flesh tickled each others skin. There was a warmth that spread between them like wild fire, bathing them all in a triumphant light. But as they lowered their gaze to the earth below, a deep sadness tugged heavily upon their hearts. For the humans lived differently, bound by a society that dictated what beauty was and who could claim it. They watched as humans, young and old, tore themselves apart from within. Scrutinising their tummies, thighs and arms, believing that the more flesh they had on their bones, the less beautiful they were. They observed the humans who saw themselves as ugly, because of their dimples, their scars, spots, disabilities and even the colour of their skin, and the Goddesses' hearts ached. The Divine Beings began to weep, their tears pouring down to the earth as rain. But as the tears fell, something changed. The rain that poured over humanity held magic within and it began to pass from the Goddesses to the humans. The powerful feeling of self love finally touched a mortals heart. And now, beneath the Goddesses gaze, self love passed from one human to another and spread across the globe. As the Goddesses dried their eyes and leaned into each other once more, they smiled. Humanity still has a great way to go before it understands true beauty, but it is clear that the humans journey to Self Love has finally begun. #selflove #bodypositive #art #lovemyself #loveyourself

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Whenever I look over my shoulders, I am blessed to see golden tendrils of stretchmarks. Chocolate splattered freckles overlaid on smooth honey caramel skin…my fat, so sweet. Buddha belly, falls to my knees…Make you fall to your knees…my fat, so strong. My fat, so you know, is MY fat ✊~ poem by Enam Asiama – Linda Blacker Valentines Fairytale: Goddesses of Self-Love. Me as the Goddess of Vanity and Plant life ☄?☘?? – ? @LindaBlacker ?@Ashleighmua – PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO ON @LindaBlacker PAGE TO READ THE FULL FAIRYTALE STORY!!!! – #ewurajaja #Lovemyself #psblogger #lindablacker #youtubers #fatgirljoy #fatgirlmagic #bodypositive #plantlife #goddess #selflove #love #poem #poetry #curvygirlsrock #blacknatural #afro #lingerie #style #fashion #blog #plussize #plussizemodel #model #BlackGirlMagic #photography #beauty #makeup

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??? EMBODYING PRE-RAPHAELITE ERA SENSUAL AND SYMBOLIC FANNY EATON REALNESS!! ??? – Arrow of Self-Love: Fanny Eaton's representation in Victorian Art challenged assumptions of what a black woman could represent, as black people were seen as decorative pieces/ figures within artistic work and not models. Working with powerful women like @bodyposipanda and @gracefvictory to create this vision that @lindablacker had along with the help of @ashleighmua will be such an unforgettable moment in my life. Knowing how much individualism and strength went into capturing these series of Goddesses of Self Love was underestimated all round however the engagement and feedback has been unbelievable and freshing. Knowing the rich history behind the visuals has later served as a reminder of the hardwork we as women, women of colour, fat/plus size women, and for me a queer woman of colour do to withstand the adversities and fight for visibility in our real lives and on social media. I recently came across @mynameisjessamyn Marie Claire interview, what an incredible babe and video which represented/presented in a much more classier + professional manner than my standard "F U! " to the people/ "Fat Shamers" who choose to see the negativity + make a point of it whilst disguised as so called "health concerns" – she simply said this "My response is no response"!!!!!! (Side Note: Fat Shamers will never be a thing, not a society, not a empowering hashtag movement, and not even a movie so take several seats.) Also Here's to a blackity black ass end to our black history month. WAKANDA FOREVER ✊ – THERE IS SO MUCH MORE RESEARCH INFO @LindaBlacker HAS DISPLAYED ON HER PAGE SO GO LOOK AT IT AND THE FULL FAIRYTALE STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T BY NOW !!!! – #ewurajaja #Lovemyself #psblogger #lindablacker #youtubers #fatgirljoy #fatgirlmagic #bodypositive #flower #goddess #selflove #selflove #preraphaelite #art #curvygirlsrock #blacknatural #afro #style #fashion #blog #plussize #plussizemodel #model #BlackGirlMagic #photography #beauty #makeup #ghanaian #African

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Grace F Victory, blogueuse ronde

C’est au tour de la blogueuse ronde anglaise et accessoirement militante body positive de se dévoiler devant l’objectif de Linda Blacker. Elle est tout simplement superbe.

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Swipe ?? This Valentines Day whether you’re single or taken, I want you to remember the power of self love. You have the ability and talent deep within you to become anything, to do anything – as long as it’s your truth. It took me a lifetime to realise my worth, to realise just how bold and brave and brilliant I am and on this day, I want YOU to realise how bold and brave and brilliant YOU are ? No matter what, you are deserving and you are supposed to be here – living, thriving and enjoying this wonderful world we live in. If you’re looking for someone to change your life, look in the mirror ? And if nobody has told you today, you are loved!!! ? Flowers blooming represents the love I have myself.. MAGICAL, TIMELESS AND ALLURING. This photo is a series with @lindablacker called Linda Blacker Valentines Fairytale. Check out @bodyposipanda and @enamasiama and @lindablacker for more ?? (untouched images) Makeup by @ashleighmua

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Megan Jayne Crabbe, militante body positive

Mieux connue sous le pseudonyme de BodyPosiPanda, Megan Jayne Crabbe est une militante body positive. Elle semble avoir inspiré notre photographe Linda Blacker.

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DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A GODDESS OF SELF LOVE FALL FROM THE SKY ON VALENTINES DAY TO TELL ALL THE HUMANS TO EAT WHAT THEY WANT & EMBRACE THEMSELVESSSSS. ? Well, now you have ? go forth and give yourself all the love you deserve, with a bowl of fruit on the side. ??? Presenting a Linda Blacker Valentine's Fairytale. Head over to the incredible photographer @LindaBlacker's page to read the full fairy tale, and go check out my fellow goddesses' pictures @gracefvictory and @enamasiama as well! ????? P.s. the lighting, colours and shadows on this shot have been edited to get the golden look Linda wanted, but as always body size/shape and face are untouched, just good lighting and make-up by @ashleighmua ??

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Pierce My Heart with the Arrow of Self Love – SCROLL RIGHT and leave a little ♥️ I shot these portraits in celebration of SELF LOVE. Starring the gorgeous and inspirational – @Bodyposipanda @gracefvictory and @enamasiama with make up by @ashleighmua Let me know what you think in the comments. ♥️ These images are a recreation of a very famous Pre-Raphaelite painting called Venus Verticordia, by Rossetti (the last image). I however, created my own meaning for these pieces. In my image, the women use Cupid's arrow to pierce their own hearts and fall in love with themselves, forever more encompassed by feelings of self love. The original painting actually explores fidelity and lust. In addition although the photographs are edited, the models have not been airbrushed. ♥️ These pieces are also in celebration of a model called Fanny Eaton, a beautiful woman of colour who modeled for the Pre-Raphaelites Brotherhood between 1859-67. Sadly, she is often referred to as the forgotten muse, most arguably due to her ethnicity. Despite being painted and drawn by many famous artists of the Brotherhood, Eaton has not been remembered like the white female muses of that time. So these photographs are in honour of Fanny Eaton, whose incredible beauty will live on in the most famous of paintings. Let's continue to remember her work alongside her fellow famous muses, and refuse to let her be wiped from history. <3 #selflove #lovemyself #loveyourself #preraphaelite #?

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Cette série de clichés vous aura on n’en doute pas beaucoup plu. Si c’est le cas, n’hésitez pas à partager notre article !

Carole Guidon
Carole Guidon
Les rondeurs ne sont pas synonymes de laideur. Le corps gros n'est pas forcément un fardeau. Moi-même, je suis une jeune fille ronde et épanouie qui s'assume. J'aime la vie et les plaisirs simples. Et j'ai à cœur de militer au quotidien contre la grossophobie qui gangrène notre société. Derrière chaque corps se cache une histoire, heureuse ou douloureuse, mais toujours unique, qu'on gagnerait à accueillir avec respect et humilité.
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