Comment dire stop aux complexes ? Voici LA méthode la plus simple

Difficile d’assumer ses rondeurs et de s’aimer soi-même. Comment parvenir à dire stop aux complexes ? Ce n’est pas si simple. Sarah nous donne une méthode simple, gratuite et efficace. Prêt(e)s à essayer et à changer votre regard sur votre propre corps ?

Difficile de s’aimer !

Sarah Sapora est une femme d’une trentaine d’années, aimant particulièrement se maquiller et se faire belle, mais cela n’a pas toujours été le cas.

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#ad LUBE! Did that get your attention? #Sponsored OK, here’s the deal. When @KY_Brand connected with me, I really wanted to partner with them. Why? Because women of ALL shapes and sizes should feel empowered to explore their sexuality. I’m not a “sexy blogger” and I never intend to be. What I am is a woman who wants you to know that it is YOUR RIGHT to learn what pleasure means FOR YOU to #GetWhatYouWant. So I struggled with what image to share here that would make you think “Sarah” and “Pleasure” without you thinking, “HOLY COW SARAH IS NAKED ON THE INTERNET!” In a denim shirt. As I am in real life. Because you don’t need to BE ANYTHING other than WHO YOU ARE to feel sexually empowered. Get it? Good. It’s unfortunately still taboo to talk about empowering women to explore their sexuality, but I want you to know (and K-Y does too!) that YOUR NEEDS matter. As women, we are conditioned to put our partners' needs before our own…. Nope! Have the conversations. Learn your body, and know that the more comfortable you feel exploring your own sexuality, the more your relationship to yourself and your partner will improve. There is no shame in the lube game. (I made a rhyme… #GoMe) K-Y has been empowering women since 1904; they believe that nothing should stand in the way of you having a healthy sex life — whatever that looks like for you! #GetItGirl Do me a solid. 1. Scroll through this post and check out this clip from their The Pleasure Is Mine docu-series. which aims to NORMALIZE conversations about sex and women's pleasure. 2. Chime in below and tell me about the last time you felt really sexually empowered? This is not some giveaway trick – just a chance for a body-inclusive group of women to get real. So… let's do it. Last year I went out on a date with a partner and I wore a blue wrap dress; I felt sensual and strong and SO EMPOWERED. It was a great night, from start to finish in every way. I remember ASKING for what I wanted, and knowing it was safe for me to experience it. When was the last time you felt sexually empowered to #GetWhatYouWant? Be sure to follow @ky_brand to stay up to date with the series!

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Toujours complexée par son poids, sa taille, ses cheveux et même ses rides invisibles, elle a entendu bon nombre de personnes lui délivrer quotidiennement des messages négatifs qui ne sont pas faciles à vivre. A force de les entendre, Sarah Sapora se renfermait encore plus sur elle, ne voyait plus que ses « défauts » et était de plus en plus complexée. Des petites voix dans sa tête lui répétaient chaque jour, « Je suis trop lourde et grosse ! » ou « Je suis trop pâle »…

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This is not the largest I've been in the last few years. This is also not the smallest I've been either. It is, however, the most healed I have ever felt in my entire life. Transformation has no end. That's what people get wrong. People think that there is a destination to self-improvement… there isn't. There is simply an ongoing commitment to creating a life that prioritizes our growth over our comfort. I've said this candidly before; in 2018, I have gained (yes, gained) weight. This does not scare me or deter my sense of self or imply that I've "failed." Not by a LONG shot. In 2018, I physically cocooned while putting an intense amount of myself into my emotional and spiritual growth. I did some major healing, and I learned a fuck load. I spent seven months in a Kundalini teacher training that cracked me open, brought me home to me, and utterly exhausted me. I finally looked at old trauma that had defined me for over thirty years; I made peace with it and moved forward. So, if that came at the expense of hitting the gym less? All cool. If my commitment to eating mindfully wasnt strong? That's OK. I do not judge myself by my ability to be perfect- the high standard I hold myself to is about commitment to the PROCESS. And a sustainable process isnt about a diet, it's about life. Please remember… 1. Personal growth is not a straight line. It is a squiggly scrunchie that loops over itself time and again. 2. The pursuit of wellness MUST be holistic and place emotional wellbeing front and center. 3. This is why transformation must be guided by self-love and not motivated by fear. Every loop we make around the scrunchie, we get wiser and more empowered. When we take steps back, we move forward with more knowledge and tools. The challenge (and opportunity) is for us to continually… ◾Renegotiate with our own self-love ◾See what the CURRENT priority is and ALLOW for it ◾Be self-compassionate when we view our mistakes and challenges, and ◾View our own personal transformation as a process, and not a race. Uncover your Highest Self. Know that the road to unearthing her will be beautiful and bumpy and delicious and hard… and worth every step. ?

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Un jour elle a décidé de changer, de dire stop à ses complexes et de s’aimer soi-même. Pour cela, elle a utilisé une méthode simple et efficace qu’elle nous livre.

Une méthode simple et efficace pour dire stop aux complexes !

Au lieu de passer son temps à tergiverser, Sarah est allée au plus simple. Elle a pris une photo d’elle… Pas une de ces photos horribles où l’on fait la tête… Non, une jolie photo.

Dans un premier temps, elle a noté sur la photo tout ce qu’elle n’aimait pas avec chaque fois un petit commentaire : Des pattes d’oies (quand sont-ils arrivés là ?), un petit cou (Je souhaiterais avoir une extension du cou), un double menton (c’est juste un gros truc), les seins (j’ai toujours rêvé qu’ils soient plus gros mais pas autant), un trop gros ventre, les hanches (qui entretiennent une relation très personnelle avec les sièges d’avion depuis 2012), les jambes et les cicatrices, etc.

Sarah Plus life

Dans un second temps, elle a pris la même photo et a noté ce qu’elle aimait : des yeux bleus et pétillants qui viennent de sa mère, un grand sourire de son père, les courbes de ses hanches, sa silhouette qui la met en valeur, ses pieds fins qui lui permettent de porter les chaussures qu’elle veut, etc !

Stop aux complexes Sarah

Si on porte enfin un regard bienveillant sur nous, qu’est ce qu’il se passe ?

Certes, nous n’avons pas le corps des mannequins des magazines, qui sont au passage systématiquement photoshopés, mais nous ne sommes pas « si moche » ! La beauté, la mode, ce n’est pas se lamenter sur son sort et tenter d’être le plus terne possible, c’est même tout le contraire. C’est tirer parti de ses atouts et savoir comment les mettre en valeur.

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For the ten months, when I'd looked at this picture, I was preoccupied by one thing – my stomach. The way it hangs and falls forward, to be specific. I had to practice real self-love and compassion to see beyond that, to take in the WHOLE of who this woman is. I dont know what has shifted, but the other day I saw this picture of myself and, no joke, I was stopped by how beautiful I feel I look on this picture. It's not that I don't SEE my hanging stomach, it is just that I've stopped giving it any currency. It's not that I magically think what I see is perfect, it is that my perception and experience with how I am viewing my body is evolving… It's Ok if you look at yourself and you find it hard to "love" what you see. It's OK if you take a process and journey to work through what you see. It's OK if it takes a month, six months, or a year to make your way towards body peace. It's OK for you to view your body with peace and ALSO want to evolve that body. You can grow and change and get stronger or more mobile or more fit and NOT be at war with your body. It's all OK. You make the rules. And, yes, it can be really hard to SEE yourself when society wants you to feel one way and see one thing… but one of the greatest gifts you will give yourself is the ability to CARE MORE about what YOU think than what other people think. Do you. Walk the journey. One day at a time. You can get there.? #selflove #selfcare #gettinghealthy #bodypositive

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Nous avons tous et toutes des complexes et des raisons de ne pas être satisfait(e) du corps que nous avons, mais comme pour tout dans la vie, on peut voir ce qui ne va pas sans pour autant occulter ce qui est beau.

Faites cet exercice, et vous aussi vous direz « stop aux complexes » ! Vous êtes belle, on vous le dit tous les jours, mais pour l’entendre, il faut d’abord faire la paix avec soi-même !

On en parle plus longuement sur nos forums et plus particulièrement dans la rubrique « Confiance en soi, s’accepter ». 

Anaëlle G.
Anaëlle G.
Adepte des réseaux sociaux, j'ai toujours passé mon temps à naviguer sur les sites de mode, santé et beauté pour les femmes. On a toutes besoin de se sentir belles quelle que soit sa taille et c'est ce qui me plaît chez The Body Optimist.
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