12 photos qui vont vous faire aimer vos bourrelets

Si longtemps les femmes, rondes comme minces, ont considéré les bourrelets comme leur pire ennemi, désormais, elles assument ! Car le saviez-vous, ils peuvent aussi être très sexy. La preuve avec nos 15 photos pleines de bonne humeur qui réussiront à coup sûr à vous décomplexer si vous n’assumez pas encore les vôtres.

Les bourrelets, on ne les cache plus !

Longtemps vous les avez détestés pas vrai ? Comment vous en vouloir ! Ces petites vagues sur notre ventre, sur notre dos nous faisaient honte. Il faut dire qu’on a rarement entendu dire que les bourrelets étaient sexy… C’est même tout l’inverse, comment s’en vouloir alors de chercher à tout prix à les cacher.

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Every now and then a man comments on one of these pictures telling me to stop trying to force people to be attracted to me. It's almost as if he believes that a female body should only be seen or celebrated if it's for someone else's sexual pleasure. I spent a long time believing that my body's purpose was making men attracted to me, seeing myself as an object for their consumption. Well guess what? Now I celebrate my body for me. I celebrate my body for all the years I waged war against it. I celebrate my body for every person out there still doing the same and desperately looking for a way out of self hatred. I celebrate my body to show them that it's possible to love their own bodies exactly as they are, belly rolls and all. I know it's shocking that a woman could show her body without it being for the approval of straight men, but trust me, I am not here for that. Seeing bodies in their most natural form shouldn't instantly make us think of sex. Something can be beautiful without being sexual. And thinking that bodies are only useful, beautiful or valuable if they fulfill someone else's needs is fucked up. So keep your attraction, I'm sure as hell not trying to force it out of you. Self love is so much better than anything you could give me. ????? Bra by @dearscantilly ✨

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Il faut d’ailleurs préciser que ce complexe n’est pas réservé aux rondes. Que l’on ait du gras ou pas, qu’on le veuille ou non, la peau lorsque l’on s’assied fait des vagues et on ne peut pas faire grand chose contre ça. Même chose du côté des hommes parfois complexés par leur petit ventre.

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It's #wcw today and I choose me. I have a crush on myself. I think I am really fun to hang out with. I think I have the best ideas. I think I'm super creative. I think I have a bomb ass. I think I have a great sense of humor. I love how I always make people think and feel good about themselves. I love that I have embraced all of me: my height that made me want to shrink since I was 10, my cellulite that made me want to hide since I was 12, my voice that made me want to be silent since I was 15, my belly that made me want to cover up since I was 18, my entrepreneurial spirit that has led me since I was 20, and my connection to the divine which has empowered me since I was 27. It's not often we see someone that is totally, unconditionally in love….with themselves. And maybe we're taught that a person that is, might be conceited or narcissistic. Society teaches us it's okay to feel terrible about the way we look, that's totally natural. But it's conceited and arrogant to love yourself. I don't buy into that anymore. I don't buy into diet culture. I don't buy into mainstream media. And I don't buy into headlines and gossip. I am perfectly me. There will NEVER be another me on this planet. I am showing up and showing out for the world to see, and I will not be stopped. Just do you babes, always and forever. xoxo Allie

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Mais parce qu’il y en a marre d’avoir honte de son corps et de se cacher, des hommes mais surtout des femmes ont décidé de dévoiler leurs rondeurs sur Instagram dans une démarche body positive. L’idée vous l’aurez compris, c’est de décomplexer celles et ceux qui ont honte de leur corps.

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LOVE. THIS. ??⬇ you rock @brittpysar ✨"As long as you're healthy" is a phrase I hear WAY to often. If we are unhealthy does that make us unworthy of love and respect? Are we no longer considered human because we aren't in perfect health? I know the motivation behind these comments isn't always malicious, but my health is my business. As is yours. Of course I hope you are all healthy, happy creatures. But if you are in poor health, I still love you. I am still sending you all the positive vibes, and you are still a human being that deserves respect and love. I will never defend my state of health to anyone. You can draw assumptions about my health by looking at me if you so choose, but you are not a doctor. Mental or physical, able or disabled, invisible or obvious. Your health is your business. Don't accept unwarranted comments about your state of health. Because you are loved and wonderful no matter what! #selflove" ?

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Il s’agit dans un premier temps de leur montrer que tout le monde a des bourrelets, qu’il n’y a rien d’anormal à cela mais aussi que l’on peut être très sexy avec. Vous le verrez tout au long de notre article en effet, cela n’entache en rien la beauté de ces gens. Vous comprendrez donc qu’il en va de même pour vous. Ces petites vagues font partie de vous et ne gâchent rien à votre beauté.

Des photos pour apprendre à s’aimer

Parce que parfois de belles photos valent mieux qu’un long discours, nous avons déniché pour vous ces photos toutes plus décomplexantes les unes que les autres.

1 – Zen

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Last night's @FullBeautyStyle yoga class was pretty magical- I was able to give hands-on #inversion adjustments with the surprisingly mellow sounds of a torrential downpour as the bass line. I grew up in the land of random summer storms, but last night's NYC storm took the cake- legit, the strength and sudden nature of the wind and rain stole both mine and my Uber driver's breath. Rain + Traffic = me and my dude sat in non-moving traffic for nearly 1.5 hours. I'm sure actual New Yorkers are desensitized to weather related traffic shenanigans, but my jaw was on the car floor for most of the ride. Straight up country mouse over here, for real. Hopefully we'll have better weather for the rest of the week, but regardless- I'll be at #fullbeauty HQ (1 NY Plaza, near Water Street!) again on Wednesday to teach again! The class is sold out, but it never hurts to get on the wait list- See y'all tomorrow! #beplayfull #partner #fullbeautySPORT #OwnYourCurves

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2 – Rayonnante


3 – La preuve par 3

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So I got one of those lovely "your photo was taken down because it broke community guidelines" and poof! This baby was gone! There must be some fat phobic jerk out there with some personal vendetta out for the fat babes of Instagram showing off their back fat- or any fat for that matter. I refuse to censor my body. I'm not breaking ANY community rules, not even borderline. It blows my mind to see the discrimination at play here. Not going down without a fight on this one, so up it goes! •••••••••••• Why is fat such a scary word? Why does it almost carry more weight than the F word itself? I mean, we ALL have fat, it's just part of being human. Back fat, arm fat, tummy fat, leg fat, butt fat, neck fat…we literally have FAT stored everywhere in our body. Did you know that's okay? Did you know that's completely normal? I was afraid of fat for a long time…between having it and ingesting it, fat was at the forefront of my mind all the time. And you know what I've learned? Well, simply put- we all have fat. Different shapes and amounts. Different uses and purposes. Every bit of fat is there for a reason, whether it was gained from emotional eating and self loathing or an innate need for protection…it is serving you. Once you honor it, and respect it. Then you can deal with it and make amends. Whether you want to release it or embrace it, the first step is to acknowledge it and own it! Just do you babes, Xoxo Allie #noedit #swimbodyproject

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4 – Champêtre

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This picture of @chooselifewarrior is so breathtaking, she is my bopo role model, always. Check out this incredibly moving post she wrote ?⬇ ・・・ These side rolls and back rolls are present even at my thinnest and I still struggle on the road to accepting them as my own. People on Instagram have told me I look like a line backer, a large man, an upside down coke bottle. They have pointed out my 'back wings' and noticed my unfavourable to society shaped body. I'm not pear shaped or hourglass, I'm not big bootied or proportioned for a fat girl. My body is not the shape designers focus on when making clothes and it is not the type featured in even plus size standards. Yet I exist, as many of you do with different shapes and proportions. We are all not made to carry weight in the same areas. We are all not the same. I want to remind you all why I do post these images. It is to help make all bodies normalised, to make all bodies accepted, and for others to see themselves represented I feel I need to show my true self. I don't hide and tuck, or avoid bad angles. You see all of me. I'm not hour glass or petite. I'm not fat with curves "in all the right places", whatever that means. I hope by you seeing different bodies normalised and the images of them you too can learn that your body in what ever unique way is valuable and worthy too. We're all different and while today I yes too have had bad thoughts, I know that I can and will feel happy again. For its never something that's wrong with my body but it's something that is wrong with my self love. #Chooselifewarrior ✨

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5 – Bonne humeur

6 – Même pas peur

7 – Body positive

8 – Sensualité

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#tbt to the first time I revealed my real, raw, fat body this year after stepping into and honoring my purpose of spreading body love…message hasn't changed a bit! Enjoy babes xoxo •••••••••••• {on body love and other life lessons} When I was 140 lbs and a size 2 for my wedding day, I still saw a 'fat' girl in the mirror. It wasn't my body that was the problem, it was my mind. After years of undoing all of the crazy lies that filled my young mind with doubt, insecurity, body hate, unworthiness, and disgust….I taught myself a new way. It's called body love, and it is for every body. Skinny people, fat people, fit people, all skin tones, all shapes, all genders, all sexual orientation, all religious beliefs…EVERYONE. Because everyone is worthy. Every body is worthy. This is my beach body because I go to the beach. This is my bikini body because I wear a bikini I am already summer ready because I am not going to let a season of expectations keep me covered up and ashamed of my body. I choose to love my body; every mark, every crease, every roll, every dimple. But you know what's even more important than the marks, creases, rolls and dimples? It's the soul and the heart that lives within. My purpose is greater than this body can even hold. I am here to empower girls and women to embrace every bit of who they are. I encourage everyone to give their body a chance to be loved. We are all on a journey to being better humans. Every day we have a choice to choose love or to choose hate. If you are currently on a health and fitness journey, let me leave you with one thing. Enjoy the process. Not because you are trying to see a number on a scale or in the tag of your clothing, but because you love that body, just as it is now, and how it will evolve over time. Because you want to improve its performance, and challenge it. Because you want to overcome limiting beliefs that say you aren't worth it. Make a goal that will serve other people than just yourself, and then focus on the journey, focus on what you are gaining from the experience…not which you are losing. Sending you all love, xoxo Allie

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9 – Bien dans son corps

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I chose to share this picture because of one reason and one reason only. Obi-Wan Catnobi looks adorbs. ? Today I am so very thankful for my freedom. That I might look at this photo and notice my cat first and not myself. My body is no longer the center of my story. It's just a part of it just like everything else. While the world continues to try to make me believe otherwise, I am saying no to distractions. I am saying yes to getting to know myself and my body better. I am saying yes to empowering myself to create my own self image. I am saying yes to admitting that I have failed to meet the status quo. I'm also saying that has yet to stop me from doing what I want. What do I want? To be free to explore and have adventures. I can't do that being weak so I exercise. I want to grow old and be those old ladies who party and show youngsters how it's really done. I can't do that if I don't take care of my body by nourishing it properly. I have goals, not fears. I have love, not shame. This is the only life I have and I'm going to LIVE it. ?✨✨✨✨ #bemorethanabody #yogamom #obiwancatnobi #inspired #mombod #momlife #yogabody #stopcensoringmotherhood #momlife #proudmama #stretchmarks #scars #nobodyshame #bopo #bodypositive #motherhoodinspired #parenthood #pcos #positivevibes #stopbodyshame

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10 – Sexy


11 – Les hommes aussi


12 – Paillettes

Bonne humeur, sensuelles, sexy, nous espérons que ces superbes photos body positive vous ont aidé à vous décomplexer ! Car n’oubliez pas, si les bourrelets sont une fatalité ou presque, détester son corps ne l’est pas. Car c’est bien ça qui vous empoisonne la vie au fond. Alors vous aussi faites la paix avec lui et commencez dès aujourd’hui une nouvelle vie pleine de gaieté et de confiance en vous. Vous êtes beaux et belles !

Carole Guidon
Carole Guidon
Les rondeurs ne sont pas synonymes de laideur. Le corps gros n'est pas forcément un fardeau. Moi-même, je suis une jeune fille ronde et épanouie qui s'assume. J'aime la vie et les plaisirs simples. Et j'ai à cœur de militer au quotidien contre la grossophobie qui gangrène notre société. Derrière chaque corps se cache une histoire, heureuse ou douloureuse, mais toujours unique, qu'on gagnerait à accueillir avec respect et humilité.
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